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It’s time to ditch the phone wall: the ROI of mobile cloud emulators

It’s time to ditch the phone wall: the ROI of mobile cloud emulators

Providing seamless customer support for mobile apps is crucial for maintaining user satisfaction and loyalty. But…

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Providing phones to customer contact teams creates more struggles than solutions.

Traditional customer support setups using mobile hardware to walk through common app issues have long been the norm, even though they come with a set of challenges that can dead-end efficiency and customer satisfaction.

In contrast, cloud-based in-browser mobile emulators offer a modern, streamlined solution for teams struggling with technical debt and inefficient processes. Making the switch doesn’t have to be difficult – while sticking to the old model guarantees pain and frustration. Need more than one reason to switch over? Here’s our head-to-head matchup of the traditional and cloud-based models.

Long waiting times vs. instant access

Everybody. Loves. Waiting.

Picture Sarah. Sarah is a diligent customer support agent at a bustling call center. She receives a ticket about a customer experiencing a bug on a device running an older OS. To replicate the problem, she needs to request access and physically switch to a matching phone model.

This request can take anywhere from 30 minutes to an entire week, creating frustrating delays for Sarah’s customer, who just wants their app to work. These delays erode trust and satisfaction, and make it much harder for agents like Sarah to close out their tickets.

Emulate the right device in seconds

With a cloud-based, in-browser mobile emulator that’s designed to easily visualize and run an app in any OS, Sarah can instantly access the necessary tools within seconds.

This instant access means that customer issues are addressed promptly, turning a potentially frustrating experience into a positive one. Sarah can work continuously, without suffering long wait times for a limited amount of devices.

High maintenance costs vs. stable costs

Spiraling costs

For a company with 100 support agents like Sarah, each requiring access to multiple physical devices, the maintenance costs can quickly spiral out of control. Pretend you’re back in grade school math class: Calculate the cost of 100 devices, multiplied by the cost of regular updates, repairs, and replacements for each.

The quick answer is: a lot. A lot of money. The answer may not please your math teacher, and it definitely won’t please the person in charge of the company IT budget.

These costs put a huge strain on a company budget, diverting funds from other critical areas like training and other IT solutions.

Stable costs

Cloud-based solutions offer low, stable costs over time, with pricing that easily adjusts to an organization’s needs and usage. Instead of growing overheads for physical devices, the investment in a scalable cloud solution reduces financial burden and allows for more predictable budgeting, freeing up resources for innovation and growth.

Employee burnout vs. support efficiency


High stress levels and the inefficiencies of traditional setups contribute to rapid burnout among support staff. Support agents are often exhausted from juggling multiple devices and dealing with frustrated customers. On average, support centers churn 50% of their staff every 3 months, resulting in endless hiring and training cycles.

Breakthrough support efficiency

With support from engineering and a cloud-based emulator, support agents can gain immediate access to the latest app updates and functionalities. They’re empowered to solve problems more effectively and meet key goals faster. Employees are no longer running for the door in search of greener pastures: Better tools and better training boost retention, keeping your expertise in-house.

High turnover costs vs. growing in-house talent

Hiring budget overflows

Replacing frontline employees is expensive. With the cost of replacement estimated at 20% of a full annual salary, hiring expenses add up rapidly. For a call center with 50 employees, this adds up to hundreds of thousands of dollars annually. High turnover rates not only inflate hiring budgets, but also disrupt the continuity and quality of customer support services.

Smooth success flows

With instant access to the latest mobile experiences, agents are equipped with the tools they need to resolve calls successfully. Training becomes more efficient as agents learn with the exact resources they’ll use in a live setting.

This reduces the learning curve and improves overall support quality, ensuring that agents are always equipped to assist customers effectively. 55% of customer success leaders agree that great support is impossible without an equally great employee experience. Happy agents = better support.

Outdated documentation vs. up-to-date functionality

Out-of-date documentation

In traditional setups, it often takes six weeks for new releases to be documented and integrated into support systems. During this time, agents must rely on outdated information and documentation, making it difficult to provide accurate assistance. For an organization receiving 20,000 tickets per week, that means that in just six weeks over 120,000 tickets are addressed using outdated information. This leads to frustration for both agents and customers.

Up-to-date functionality

With cloud-based solutions, agents gain instant access to the latest app updates, and get up to speed faster. This breakthrough in access ensures that agents are always prepared to handle issues and understand the latest features, boosting first call and contact resolution rates by up to 60%.

Unlock mobile access for your teams

Appetize is the fastest and easiest way for customer support teams to access mobile apps in the workplace. The platform is versatile and user-friendly, making it a popular choice for a wide range of support scenarios and team needs. Build flexibly on top of Appetize, integrate your favorite solutions, and watch your teams reap the benefits.

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Rogier Trimpe

VP Revenue

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