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6 easy ways to build better customer support workflows with Appetize

6 easy ways to build better customer support workflows with Appetize

In this blog post, we’ll explore common Appetize-based customizations and workflow builds for customer support teams. These experiences empower teams to deliver faster, more accurate support, resulting in faster resolution times and better support workflows.

A lot of these are no-brainers: from easier navigation within apps to one-click bug collection for developers.

Whether you’re dealing with platform issues, language barriers, or device-specific challenges, these solutions provide the flexibility and precision needed to meet the demands of customer service employees and mobile support customers.

1. Easy navigation to app sections

Appetize lets you access your mobile builds in under 4 seconds. This means that support agents can quickly navigate to the section of the app where the issue is.

Easy navigation simplifies troubleshooting and customer support by allowing teams to quickly access and verify specific app areas, reducing time spent on resolving customer issues and improving issue resolution times.

2. Specify different device builds and easily switch between android and iOS

Appetize’s cloud-based emulator allows teams to simulate and test on various devices, improving the ability to diagnose issues that may be specific to certain hardware configurations, leading to more accurate and effective solutions.

Enhance flexibility and responsiveness, enabling customer success teams to replicate and address platform-specific issues seamlessly, ensuring consistent support across different devices.

3. Set device language and locale

If your app supports multiple languages, this sample demonstrates how to create a language picker experience that can be used to change the language of your app.

This ensures that support teams can replicate the exact environment of their clients, leading to more accurate troubleshooting and a better understanding of issues that may arise from language or regional settings, improving customer satisfaction.

4. One-click bug collection

With one-click bug collection, you can grab all network, debug and AppRecorder user interactions, and easily send those logs on to developers. This can run in the background during support staff calls.

At the end of the sessions, there’s no risk of dropping the ball – streamlined bug collection makes it easy to document bugs and send them directly to the team with the tools to fix it. Dev teams can then easily reproduce the issue and solve it faster.

Streamline the process of gathering critical diagnostic information, making it easier for customer success teams to provide developers with comprehensive data for issue resolution. Accelerate the debugging process, reduce downtime, and enhance the overall customer experience by efficiently resolving issues.

5. Co-browsing without installs or plugins

Appetize is a great alternative to traditional methods that require a customer to download software to grant remote access to support agents. Along with the annoyance of additional work for the customer, some users worry about granting agents remote access to their devices.

Appetize removes those concerns. Agents can browse along right with their customer, no plugins needed. With impersonation setups, agents can even take on user identities to browse and problem solve, with no additional heavy lifting for the customer.

6. Easy access to latest app versions

With Appetize, you can enable simple internal access to the latest build of your app – before end users see it. Easily provide up-to-date version access to internal teams, without the need to run endless maintenance and link updates. No need to painstakingly maintain and distribute APKs, and no need to set every single user up with Testflight access.

With Appetize, teams can see new versions and updated features before the support tickets come flooding in. Anticipate potential user issues by helping teams be prepared whenever there are changes to the app.

We’re here to help: build faster with Appetize samples

Appetize makes it easy for developers and engineers to build better workflows for customer support teams. Implementing these solutions for customer success teams offers several key benefits, from faster resolution times to less technological debt and finicky app version maintenance and rollout. Everybody wins.

Ready to start building? No need to start from scratch. Head over to our Samples page for some examples and source code templates.

Words by

Pieter Snyman

Mobile Solutions Engineer

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